Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Honest To God Christmas Miracle

The Vision Psycho Stick skateboard was my Red Rider BB Gun. That dream did not become a reality for me, but now I know what it would have been like.

Your World, The People World, Is Fragmented

Trailer for The Trip (1967) starring Peter Fonda and written by Jack Nicholson. If I had to review the movie I would say "Oh it gives off an orange cloud of light that just blows right out of it's scene."

Watch it on Youtube.

DUDES! Weekend

This is a strangely cogent retelling of a dudes only weekend. Is this an informercial? David Bronstein should really be moderating this (down to about 2-3 minutes).

Go BC Eagles!

Canadian Men Live in a Beer Commerical

Inferior Design is now on twitter: http://twitter.com/inferiordesign

The Bike King and the 10 Commandments

Help Me Pick A Layout!

I'm starting this rad new blog and I need you to help me decide what it will look like. This is the blog in case there was any confusion. I understand that you could have interpreted that as if there is another blog and it is rad, but no, this is the rad blog. Or at least it will be with your help.

Here's how.

01 GOTO Google
02 SEARCH for "Blogger Template"
03 COPY the link for the coolest template
04 GOTO Comments section
05 PASTE link

NB: If you still have a job, you may want to do this on a Thursday or Friday when productivity levels have a low expectancy.